I had a great vacation. The VIP service by Danny was great and we were really taken care of well at the resort. But by far the best of all was Natali2. I picked her because I wanted an English speaking host the first night to explain the lay of the land for me. I don’t particularly care for tattoos but she is so cute and sexy I figured what’s 1 or 2 nights. However after spending a little time with her she completely made me forget about tattoos. She is very smart and speaks perfect English. I decided to keep her for the whole trip and she was fantastic. We had a ball and it was one of the best vacations of my life because of her. I’m not a young guy and I’ve travelled well my whole life so that’s saying a lot. She really did her job well, she got me to fall temporally in love with her. Oh, and the choice and the service of 2hr girls was also great. Thanks, Howie